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Brazilian Pyramids 3000 BCfinnish_translation.jpg

Brasilian pyramidit 3000 eaa.

Most of us know of the three great pyramids at Egypt, Giza and the ones found in Mexico, but most have no idea, that pyramids can be found all over the glode. Some of the pyramids have been built before the pyramids in Egypt. The article mentioned pyramids are still not the world's oldest, even writing this suggests. A lot of older have proven found from the earth eg. in Japan.


"Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest pyramids - on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil (Santa Catarina). The Brazilian examples are up to 3,000 years older than the ones in Central America.

Dating from 3000BC, the oldest of the Brazilian pyramids predate the earliest Egyptian example by several hundred years. The construction techniques were also markedly different, each Egyptian pyramid being built in one operation, while the Brazilian ones were each built in several phases, possibly over many decades or even centuries. And, unlike the Egyptian stone pyramids, the Brazilian ones were built exclusively of sea shells.

That is why archaeologists in the past had never realised what they were. For years Brazilian prehistorians had thought that the sites were simply immense piles of domestic rubbish from settlements.

But research carried out over the past four years has revealed that the "piles of ancient rubbish" were in fact deliberately built square structures of roughly pyramidic design. The archaeologists estimate that originally there were around a thousand Brazilian pyramids - some apparently 5,000 years old, others less ancient."



16.4.2015*09:40 (949 - 599)