My relationship tothe history as ascience,is somewhatskeptical.In addition,I have reservations aboutseveralwritten in the name of science.Perhapsallthis dayis notso marvelous,aswe expectit to becompared to the past?
1. Iron After Big Bang.
2. 8000 BC Cave Paintings in Italy.
3. 4000 BC Hajar al-Hubla In Lebanon.
4. 3100 BC Stonehenge in England.
5. 3000 BC Brazilian pyramids.
6. 2650 - 2540 BC Cheops Pyramid Volume
6.1 Cheops Pyramid Location.
7. 582 - 496 BC Pythagorean Harmony
8. Pythagoras Findings
9. 460 - 370 BC Democritus
10. 447 BC Parthenon Temple in Greece
11. 384 - 322 BC Aristotle.
12. A Greek Machine 330 BC.
13. 200 - 299 BC Diophantus Epitaph.
14. 1401 - 1464 Nicholaus of Cusa.
15. 1642 - 1727 Isaac Newton
16. Newton's Experimental Philosphy.
17. 1834-1907 Mendeleev's Predicted Elements
18. 1743 -1794 Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier.
19. 1911 Twin Paradox.
20. 1969 The First Moon Landing.
21. 1969 A Valuable Moon Rock.
22. 2009 Nasa Erased the Original Videos.
23. 2012 The World Biggest Crane.
1. Iron After Big Bang
Strength needs to calculate the material iron, the most common element on Earth. Iron, named steel is the material for this purpose. EP-Calculation five steps is the proportionality limit in values and iron is on this step, the temperature of 4000 Kelvin. The heavier material than iron needs for formation the nuclear fusion. We stay in steel grades (S235 and S355), ie. to the temperature of 4,000 Kelvin, as the table shows. The lighter elements than steel make up 99.99997 % of the composition of stars. Heavier elements than iron are a small minority, but they are two-thirds of the elements.
The formation of metal
Nuclear reaction Temperature 106 K Pascal's triangle
Pascal's triangle, the lowest row is the fifth row from the output value of 0. Row five finds the golden ratio 1.618, even the value of 1.611 is slightly different.
The fifth element describes the pentagon where the golden ratio occurs in many. This is described in visual geometry and strength calculation. (985)
2. Cave Paintings in Italy 8000 BC
200,000 -300,000cavepaintings at the same location. Below the cavepainting, dating from approximately 8,000BC tothe Valcamonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits holding strange implements. They do not seem to fit their time period? The globe shaped helmets emitting rays of light?
The stone carvings of Val Camonica constitute one of the largest collections of prehistoric petroglyphs in the world.The collection was recognized by Unesco in 1979 and was Italy's first recognized World Heritage Site.Unesco has formally recognized more than 140,000 figures and symbols, but new discoveries have increased the number of catalogued incisions to between 200,000 and 300,000. The petroglyphs are spread on all surfaces of the valley, but concentrated in the areas of Darfo Boario Terme, Capo di Ponte, Nadro, Cimbergo and Paspardo.
- Good round shape - the Sun - the Moon - Pregnant woman? - Turtles - What else?
What ifPabloPicassohadpainted therock paintings? Your opinion of this 10,000 years later?
3. Hajar al-Hubla
Stone of the Pregnant Woman
The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block are:
Width at base 4 m
Width at top 4.14–5.29 m
Height 4.21–4.32 m
Length 20.31 – 20.76 m
Density 2.6–2.8 g/cm³
The monolith is named after a pregnant woman who, as local legend has it. A monolith is a geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock, such as some mountains, or a single piece of rock placed as, or within, a monument. The Roman stone block still lies in the ancient quarry at a distance of 900 m from the Heliopolis temple complex. According to their calculations, the block weighs 1,000.12 t.
The largest cut stone
A second ancient monolith was discovered in the same quarry in the 1990s. With its weight estimated at 1,242 t, it even surpasses the dimension of the well-known Stone of the Pregnant Woman. The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block:
Pituus 19.5–20.5 m Length Leveys 4.34–4.56 m Width Korkeus 4.5 m Height Tiheys 2.6–2.8 g/cm³ Density
The biggest wondercauses, how the otherstoneshave been able tocarryone kilometer to thetemplearea andto raisethere, 11meters in height.Today,we have nolifting deviceunder these conditionsto lift thesestones.What about theworking methodsat the time and howwe would today doitby hands. (928)
4. Stonehenge
3100 BC.
Stonehenge is located on salisbury Plain in southern England and is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world. It appears have been both a religiouscenter and an astronomical observatory. It looks that the stonehenge was built in 3 phases.
I write of pyramids in Egypt and of other pyramids worldwide. In China, Egypt, South-America and of some constructions here in Finland etc. Now I write of one famous place construction in England. Mathematics will of course include in this context, especially when Cheops pyramid in Egypt. In this text, the more important thing is the dating of the construction phases.
The First Construction Phase
This was made about 3100 BC the first monument consisted of a circular bank and ditch diameter of 110 m. Although there is evidence for activity both before and afterwards on the site. Note the pyramids in Egypt and dating back as first constructions to build up a pyramid. The same kind of banks have been found in Eastern-Europe. The same can say of pyramids which are like a belt around the world.
The Second Construction Phase
There is no longer visible evidence of the second phase. They were some wooden constructions inside the ditch.
The third Construction Phase
Made about2600BC.It should be notedCheopspyramid andStonehenge, orboth aredonefor centuriesprecisionat the same time.Is it really,it's timeto show?
5. Brazilian pyramids 3000 BC
Most of us know of the three great pyramids at Egypt, Giza and the ones found in Mexico, but most have no idea, that pyramids can be found all over the globe. Some of the pyramids have been built before the pyramids in Egypt. The article mentioned pyramids are still not the world's oldest, even writing this suggests. A lot of older have proven found from the earth eg. in Japan
Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest pyramids - on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil (Santa Catarina). The Brazilian examples are up to 3,000 years older than the ones in Central America.
Dating from 3000BC, the oldest of the Brazilian pyramids predate the earliest Egyptian example by several hundred years. The construction techniques were also markedly different, each Egyptian pyramid being built in one operation, while the Brazilian ones were each built in several phases, possibly over many decades or even centuries. And, unlike the Egyptian stone pyramids, the Brazilian ones were built exclusively of sea shells.
That is why archaeologists in the past had never realised what they were. For years Brazilian prehistorians had thought that the sites were simply immense piles of domestic rubbish from settlements.
But research carried out over the past four years has revealed that the "piles of ancient rubbish" were in fact deliberately built square structures of roughly pyramidic design. The archaeologists estimate that originally there were around a thousand Brazilian pyramids - some apparently 5,000 years old, others less ancient. (949)
Tuesday 19 November 1996
6. Volume of a Pyramid
1/3 × Base Area × Height (H)
Cheops Pyramid
V= 1/3 x 230.3 m x 230.3 m x 146.41 m
V = 2 588 436 m3
Visual geometry
V = 1.254 x 1.06 = 2.588
( length x width x height x time x fatiquing of 3d + time)
(1,25 = 1/4)
(1.032 = 1.06)
Surface Area of the Pyramid
All side faces are the same:
Base Area + 1/2 × Perimeter of Base × Slant Length (L)
A = 230.3 m x 230.3 m + 1/2 x( 4 x 230.3 m) x 186.3 m
A = 138848 m2
Golden ratio
(186,3 m/146.41 m = 1.2724 => 1.27242 = 1.618 )
6.1 Cheops Pyramid Location
The Great Pyramid 2560–2540 BC (the Pyramid of Khufu, or Cheops in Greek) in the Giza, Egypt, demonstrates the remarkable character of its placement on the face of the Earth. The Pyramid lies in the center of gravity of the continents. It also lies in the exact center of all the land area of the world, dividing the earth's land mass into approximately equal quarters. This is visual geometry, which the ancient people carried out through monumental engineering structure.
Pyramids location on the largest mass concentration on the Earth
7. Pythagorean Harmony
According to aFinnishemeritus professorinterpretation, thePythagoreanharmonyjoins to thesocietyand interaction betweenpeople, which hecertainly also meant.This overridesthe visionof Pythagorasworld affairs. The idea ofPythagoras'mathematicalworkas a peaceactivistseemsa singular interpretation. A manof that eradid not considerthis kind of things.Human deathorenslavementdid not producethe problem. Pythagoraswas a creativeperson,a personwhohas generallyfocused onthe development ofideas.He played theinstrument, whenhe found the musicscalerelations. Pythagorasalsoa highdegree of certaintykilled hisstudent, whobecame interested in thecircular formandfigures, whichdid not conform tothe simpleratio ofharmony. Thiscan be readin the literature.Pythagorashimselfexperienceda violent death, andheand thestudentswere burntalive to his house.Of hisdeath,there isalsoanother kind ofdescription, based on thedifferent sources ofinformation.
StephenHawkingPythagoreaninterpretation.Pythagorasbelievedthat everything waspossible to describein mathematical language. He developedan all-encompassing"the harmony ofspheres", wherein mathematical language was expressed the Greekstraditionalbelief thatthe complete forms are onlythe ballsand circles. He found themusic tomath, and thoughteverything waspossible to describe as themusic's scale. StephenHawkingsays,the idea was a dead duck,becauseinstead ofharmonyled tothe deplorableincompletefigures. The Catholic Churchhas banned theuse ofthe pentagon.Is this the reasonStephenHawkingsdoes not mention thepattern?We knowStephen Hawkingreceived thehonorary awardgranted bythe Vatican and he took it.
Pythagorasexploredthe starry sky, and madethe observation, the Earth'sroundshapeand it circumventingthe sun.The final adoptionof this observationoccurred2000years laterin Europe.2300years later,sciencehas not been ableto understand thatPythagoraswas right ina music scale-likemathematicalscale. The relative pitches of the musical scale of Pythagoras, will be compensated in the Equivalen Proportional Calculation on basic standard series numbers. The keyscalerefers to a set of tone frequencies, which areavailableat any one time.This betterPythagoraswas not ableto expressthe harmony ofthe figures,itcan be activeat one time, only onescale.Of the factors the 1,25is perhaps themost importantin determining the Golden Ratio 1.618.The factor isthe distance that multiples thedistance, a valueexists. (961)
8. Pythagoras Findings 582 - 496 BC
The honor of the philosophy discovery has given to the Pythagoreans, who propably first used the term. The essence of philosophy they explained through Olympian games, which arrived in athletics, vendors and viewers. Of these three gategories, the most noble were viewers who were comparable to those philosophers.
Pythagoras - "That one who knows the Sun as a God"
Photo Wikipedia
It is difficult distinguish between the truth and stories related to Pythagoras, because the mystery has wrapped around him. Sure is that Pythagoras developed the idea of the logic numbers, starting the first heyday of mathematics.
This is the idea of the todays blind men, because pyramids were thousands years old when Pythagoras lived and some our known books had also dating thousands years back to the history. Numbers were not used only to calculate and list, but they began to appreciate the numbers for their own sake. This meant, Pythagoras studied numbers, their certain properties and numbers inter- dependies and regulatiers. He was thus the EP-calculation pioneer as a predecessor.
Pythagoras studied generally mathematics, music scale and astronomy. His findings suggest that the digits were there, despite the tangible world, and people's observations unreliability (this day makes the mind to increase the scientific dishonesty) did not distort their features. As a result, mathematics narrative truth was independent of other opinions and prejudices. They were also more absolute, than any previous information. Mathematics did have a long history before Pythagoras. There are good reasons to believe that Pythagoras never dealt with mathematics at all. According to Aristotle: the so-called Pythagoreans, who were the first to take up mathematics, not only advanced this subject, but saturated with it, they fancied that the principles of mathematics were the principles of all things. Aristotle - Metaphysics 1 -5 cc. 350 BC. They therefore believed that mathematics can describe the phenomena of the world ( later physics, strength calculation etc. ), and this continued in certain numbers, such as the golden section ratio had a special meaning. Was this the wrong idea, this we look from multiple perspectives. In any case, this supported EP-calculation, because the both have the idea of the proportionality around us. By knowing one, the others are known, is included in the idea.
Pythagoras studied in several areas of science and art, thus being able to perceive the picture of the world in a different way. World view of Pythagoras was acquired by traveling 20 years all over the world and it is estimated the mathematical knowledge came from the Egyptians and Babylonians. Egyptian pyramids were already old at that time, including the golden ratio. The conclusion of this, perhaps the information of the golden ratio conveyed to Europe with Pythagoras. After travelling, he decided to go back to the island of Samos.
The Egyptians and Babylonians had progressed from simple calculations to perform the calculation of the most demanding and challenging book accounting systems for trade and taxation purposes. They also planned and implemented elaborate buildings.. Mathematics joined to the solutions of practical problems, such as in the annual flooding of the Nile and the re-determination of boundaries. The word geometry comes therefore of the measurement of land.
Pythagoras discovered that the calculations were always made at the same formula, which gave the correct answer to the task, but no one questioned or examined the patterns of their underlying logic. In the cultures, it was important that the formula worked for calculating, but not why it did so. The modern calculation has a lot the same formulation of the question. We know the bending formula gives every time the calculation result which is equal with the practice. When calculating other tasks, we choose the new formula and new required values. We consider it important and valuable manage the formulas. How the nature works, does not interest us. Perhaps there is no need for a large amount of formulas, by understanding the natural behavior?
A few generations later, the Pythagoras known ball shape of the Earth was a high probability an accepted fact in Athens until the information was lost about two thousand years? Did this information come from a trip to Egypt? Later the information is found to disappear in time, such as the Earth orbit around the sun. The same thing happened in three-dimensional drawing, which was known in Greek, even though the paintings were all time drawn up in the eyes. Proportionality, ie. the "godliness" of figures was aware to Pythagoras, as it probably was long before Pythagoras, but still it is not detected to believe in science. Probably Pythagoras had heard of ball lightning, which everyone knows and many people have seen. Some scientists do not still believe in them, saying they are optical delusions. The first ever optical spectrum of what appears to have been a ball lightning event was published in January 2014 and included a video at high frame rate (Wikipedia).
Mathematics in the Middle Ages dates from this era, which was reflective philosophizing. Mathematics was not for mathematical problems in a practical level, which the Roman numerals did not support. The think of putting the numbers to calculation is uncomfortable, especially the absence of the number zero. Still the concept of the empty place in calculation, was well-known.
1. Pythagoras knew the golden ratio, which joined eg. to the Great Pyramid of Giza
2. In nature the ratio of 1.618 can be found in almost everything
3. Number five is important and pentagon was the symbol to Pythagoreans. Pythagoras did not know this, but five is the proportionality limit in phenomena. Five fingers, five toes, and all found number five was the evidence of that etc. (1015)
9. Democritus 460 BC - 370 BC
He wrote on Babylon and Meroe; visited Egypt, and Diodorus Siculus states that he lived there for five years. He himself declared that among his contemporaries none had made greater journeys, seen more countries, and met more scholars than himself. He particularly mentions the Egyptian mathematicians, whose knowledge he praised.
Theophrastus, too, spoke of him as a man who had seen many countries. During his travels, according to Diogenes Laërtius, he became acquainted with the Chaldean magi.
Democrituswas the first whorealized,the Milky Wayconsistsin realityof the lightof distantstars.
The theory of the atomists appears to be more nearly aligned with that of modern science than any other theory of antiquity. However, the similarity with modern concepts of science can be confusing when trying to understand where the hypothesis came from.
"The theory of Democritus and Leucippus held that everything is composed of "atoms", which are physically, but not geometrically, indivisible; that between atoms, there lies empty space; that atoms are indestructible; have always been, and always will be, in motion; that there are an infinite number of atoms, and kinds of atoms, which differ in shape, and size."
With this as a basis to the physical world, Democritus could explain all changes in the world as changes in motion of the atoms, or changes in the way that they were packed together. This was a remarkable theory which attempted to explain the whole of physics based on a small number of ideas and also brought mathematics into a fundamental physical role since the whole of the structure proposed by Democritus was quantitative and subject to mathematical laws. Another fundamental idea in Democritus's theory is that nature behaves like a machine, it is nothing more than a highly complex mechanism.
Bertrand Russell states that they just hit on a lucky hypothesis, only recently confirmed by evidence
One theory: TheLibraryof Alexandria, Eqypt?
10. Parthenon Temple 447 BC
Historyof use of the ratioɸ(phi)
ɸthe 16th letter of Greek alphabet,which is used toidentified's the ratio1.618.In Egyptthe ratioof1.618was usedin buildingthe pyramids.
Phidias 490 BC- 430BC Parthenontemplestatues
Phidias(Feidias)was an ancientGreekclassicalperiod,the most famoussculptorand respectedchampion.Hissculptureshave been preservedonlyin copies.Feidiasworked onthe Parthenontemplesculpturesworkingsince about447BC.
The first Stone was placed at 447 BC
Seeminglycasualplacement, despite thepositioning of thebuildings inthe Acropolis of Athensis saidto comply with thelawsof mathematicsand geometry. The both branches of sciencehadadvanced, andthelawsreveredalmostreligiousdevotion, as theywere consideredto reflect themetaphysicalideals. Workbased onthe golden ratio ofthe Parthenontemple.Mathematics andgeometry of thelawsapplied insuch a way thatthe Parthenonbecame awell-balanced andpleasingwhole.Itallowed theso-called."Opticalcorrections."Columnsswelleda littlein the middle,the outerpolesstandtiltedinwards andwas raisedfrom the center.This isso thatthe sighting ofthe buildingconsisted ofa compact andharmonious. (948)
11. Aristotle BC 384 - 322 BC
Aristotle has been mentioned to be the father ofthe logics.The calculationfollows hisapproachput forward bythe way,by taking theknownissuesand work your waytowards it,what is thenatureof themore obviousand well-known. Aristotleworld viewincludes water,fire, air andearth,which areplaced ina naturalplace.This was theidea ofa modernworld viewof his time.The Equivalent Proportional Calculation, has the similar idea, but describedto this day. In the calculation,the valueis placedto its nativeplaceof theproductspace.
The sculpturein Paris,the LouvreMuseum
The calculation has the same meaningwith Aristotle, in accordance with the expressions in histime.Aristotleteaching of the logic iscontinuing in the calculation.We think, perhaps,whywe rememberthe old.We errbadly in this idea.We willvisitthrough my pages,which you do nototherwiseunderstand.Just think,if youlikethe philosopherAristotlewould bein our midst. (921)
12. A Greek Machine 330 BC
In the picture Greek engineer named Diades made machine 330 BC. Notethe rollersin the middle.Is themachinea ram, in which heavy block is mounted on top of the device, and the use was break the wall. withheavyhammerto installthe unit onandits use was to breakthewall.Hewrote a book,which dealsamong other thingsthe constructionof machines.Perhapswedo not think the oldest writings of machine building so old as they are. In reality, thisis the beginof whatI writelater. (951)
13. Diophantus Epitaph
An epitaph is a short text honoring a deceased person. The Greekfather ofalgebra,Diophantusof Alexandriaborn sometime between AD 200-214, and died aged 84 sometime betweenAD285-299. The puzzle implies that Diophantus lived to be 84 years old. However, the accuracy of the information cannot be independently confirmed. One of the problems (sometimes called his epitaph) states: By the same way,as theheadstonesaysDiophantusage,naturesaysthingsthrough thedata. We determine firstDiophantusage.
'Here lies Diophantus,' the wonder behold. Through art algebraic, the stone tells how old: 'God gave him his boyhood one-sixth of his life, One twelfth more as youth while whiskers grew rife; And then yet one-seventh ere marriage begun; In five years there came a bouncing new son. Alas, the dear child of master and sage
After attaining half the measure of his father's life chill fate took him. After consoling his fate by the science of numbers for four years, he ended his life.'
L/6 of his time life he spent as the boy
L/12 he lived to youth
L/7 he lived before getting married
5 years later born his boy
L/2 was the age of the boy
4 years went before he himself died
L = L/6 + L/12 + L/7 + 5 + L/2 + 4
L = 14L/84 + 7L/84 + 12L/84 + 5 + 42L/84 + 4
L = 75L/84 + 9
3/28 L = 9 => L = 28/3 x 9 = 84 years
His boy was 42 year old when died and Diofantos 84 years. The example shows the way to determine the relative lengths of life and how such a task can be solved. Little is known about the life of Diofantos, but the age is known carved into the stone.
14. Nicholaus of Cusa 1401 - 1464
A cycloid is the curve traced by a point on the rim of a circular wheel as the wheel rolls along a straight line. The cycloid was first studied by Nicholas of Cusa and later by meresenne.
Nicholasof Cusa made his contribution tothemathematicsof evolution, by developing the concepts of the infinitesimal and of relative motion. NicolausCusanusgavehis contributions tomathematics,relative movementand theimmenseimportance.
The relative motion appears in this figure, of which more later
The celestial bodies are not strictly spherical, nor are their orbits circular.
Predating Kepler, Cusanus said that no perfect circle can exist in the universe.
Was the first to use concave lenses to correct myopia.
He influenced Giordano Bruno by denying the finiteness of the universe and the Earth's exceptional position in it (being not the center of the universe, and in that regard equal in rank with the other stars).
Suffered frommental healthproblemsall his life.Above all,introduced thegravitationaland laws of motion.The Equivalent Proportional Calculationusesthe ratioofgravity.Similarly,the concept ofdistance from thesquarewill become clear.
The story goes thata falling apple helpedNewtonin developinghis theoryof gravity,and the laws of motion.Whenis known the length of moon track andthecycle time,can beinferred the moonfalling toward the Earth - one mm per second.
Newtonconcluded the powerto beinverselyproportional tothe distance between theobjects.This can calculate by physicsformulas,without being able tolead the idea toother things.The Equivalent Proportional Calculation makes of thingsa calculating reality without formulas.
Isaac Newtonwas notthe trueone,whichyou maywellconclude.By this way one's createsgreat ideas,for example,by being amystic oran alchemist. Heis valued to be the world'seminent scientificmanin manydirections. (927)
16. Newton's Experimental Philosophy
Only thosereasonsare acceptable,which are necessaryto explain thephenomena.
Similarphenomenashould always beexplained,to the extent possible,the samereason
Such properties of objects that can not increaseordecrease and belonging to all objects, that can do some tests, must be regarded asbelonging to all objectsin general.
In the experimentalphilosophydeducted laws of phenomena,the statusiskept despite at an opposinghypotheses, exactlyorapproximately therightuntiltheyconfirm theotherphenomenaappearin whole or inthat theyare inclinedexceptions.Thehypothesiscan not weakenthe conclusion drawn by experience.
Theseapply totodayandthe future.
17. Mendeleev's Predicted Elements
In the early dayschemistsdiscovered that thesubstancecan not beconfusedwith each otherat random. Certainrelationshipswere maintainedwhen mixed withsubstances. Thiswasevidenceon behalfof atoms.AtomicWeightsdid notreceive attention,whilethey were difficultto measure. Atomicweightatfirsthadnodiscerniblecongruence.This waswhen theobservationswereonlysixtyfor allelements. It showedthatthe atomicweight had notto dowiththe chemical property. RussianDimitri Mendeleev(1834-1907)graduated a chemist, andbeganthe state's payrollclassified asoils.
In this work,hewas suddenly reminded ofclassifiedmaterials,including theelements.Heplaced theatomicweightsof thesubstances. Assumed thatsomeelements were not found andsomeatomicweights tofalse. Thushe gotthe elements tolocate inthe regularplaces.We are familiar withtheperiodic table of elements. The Proportional Equivalent Calculationis muchthe same with the periodic table of elements. Everyphenomenon, andevenproduct has its ownplace inthe valuespace. (910)
18. Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier
French chemist(26.081743 -08.081794),published the law of conservation of mass.Information is important for formula E=m c2terms.Recognizedand namedoxygen in1778,demonstratingexperimentallythecombustionprocess,where thecombustible materialand oxygenrecombinated.
He firstof the allshowedup,all differentparts are the sameentity.The rocks, treesand alltheworldwerethe sameentity.This he didconsciouslyseekingto explainall theexperiments ina singletheory.
MetalSubject'sSlowBurning, Rusting
DeLavoisierwas interestedto study thelong-lastingcorrosion of metalpiece.He was interestedto knowthe weight after corrosion, was that more or less.
a) thesubjectweighsless
b) thesubjectweighs more
c) theweight will not change
Of the photograph can seehow thefender hascorroded.At the same timethe materialhas lost itsstrength.Thesearenotcorrodedin a closedsystemto ascertain the weight.AntoineLaurent deLavoisier was notmerelyguessing theweight change.He set up to theliving room a fullyclosedsystem.Experiments, theyspeed up-with his wife-increaseddifferentmaterials,warmed, and finallyburned thematerialto speed upthe event. After eachexperimentwas observed the same.The pieceweighed more. The increasedamount ofweightthey were able todetermine ofairspace. (924)
19. Twin Paradox
In 1911, Paul Langevin gave an example by describing the story of a traveler making a trip at a Lorentz factor of γ = 100 (99.995% the speed of light). The traveler remains in a projectile for one year of his time, and then reverses direction. Upon return, the traveler will find that he has aged two years, while 200 years have passed on the Earth.
Max von Laue (1911, 1913) elaborated on Langevin's explanation, using Minkowski's spacetime formalism. He wrote that the asymmetric aging is completely accounted for by the fact that the astronaut twin travels in two separate frames, while the Earth twin remains in one frame, and the time of acceleration can be made arbitrarily small compared with the time of inertial motion. Eventually, Lord Halsbury and others removed any acceleration by introducing the "three-brother" approach. The traveling twin transfers his clock reading to a third one, traveling in the opposite direction. (926)
20. The First Moon Landing 1969
Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed the humans on the moon. It was the fifth manned Apollo-program spaceflight and the third on the moon orbit. Apollo 11 fullfilled President Kennydy's 1961 set target to beat the super power of the Soviet Union in space race. This was supposed totake place beforethe year 1970.
On the basis of the space flights, the computer programscouldbe very simple, butat the timethe machinestook their first steps.
Mankindtaking thefirst stepsin painting10,000 years ago, the subjectsresponded tothistime.The humanimaginationis amazing,soin the pastthanin present time. EPC calculation (the samemeaning calculation) is in this case at the same point. Whythe oldtimewould not bewell-known ofthings,if also spaceflightswere known.
21. A Valuable Moon Rock 1969
A valuable Moon rock from The United States was a worthless piece of wood. The museum of Amsterdam presented Moonstone is a worthless piece of wood. The moon rock was originally received from the former Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees, Ambassador to the United States in 1969.
When the stone was put up the Rijks museum, many experts doubted the authenticity of the stone. The independent study of a matchbox-size sample, discovered it of piece of wood. The museum was assured the item of 50 000 €, the event ofa declaration thatitsworthless. U.S. Space Administration Nasa donated Moonstones to a number of countries and this happened after made moon landing.
The fossilizedpieces of woodwas not possible separate from moon rocks. Still it was possibleto visit to Moon by 60's technique. What methods were examined for fossils and what was NASA's conclusion of the stones, is not known. Moon rocks were a proof ofthe moonlanding.If thispiece of woodis not from the Earth,the matterbecomes more complicated.The caseprovesto bepossible toget tangled up inthe samples.In any case,NASA'sway to examine thesamples,givesa strangeimpression. Also a lot of other donated samples are lost. The reason given is, for example, the location is not known. (975)
22. Nasa Erased the Original Videos
Nasa has accidentally destroyed the original moon walking videos. The US space
agency Nasa had to admit on thursday, the original video material from the first walk
on the moon has probably desroyed by accident.
Helsingin Sanomat 16.7 2009
They were probably destroyed during a period when NASA was erasing old magnetic tapes and reusing them to record satellite data. This was unfortunate, because some of the parties do not believe the moon landing. The lost data took the evidence of the landing and does not diminish the doubts.
Absence of the videos does not prove the moon hoax. Nor does the fact that the footage has not publicly disclosed. Pictures of astronauts' faces, Earth photos on the way to the Moon or from the Moon.
It is only certified the footage was not valued, because otherwise the would not be able to disappear. USA is the world's most powerful state and the sovereign operator. Nasa is not looking the culprit for this unfortunate loss of data. (1006)
23. The World Biggest Crane 2012
The fixed dual-beam gantry crane with the lifting capacity at 20,000 MT. Yantai Raffles Shipyard (YRS),in Shandong Province China.
20,000 metric tons, By gCaptain On
“If you can handle the larger blocks, 15,000t-16,000t, you can chop up a semi-submersible offshore platform into two pieces: lower pontoon columns and an upper deck box” as Brian Chang, owner of Yantai Raffle shipyards, told the industry mag Cranes Today.
Baalbek, Lebanon 2014
Still the world biggest crane is not capable to transport the biggest monolith in the known history. This because the crane has a fixex construction and can not move. A third ancient monolith was discovered in the same quarry (as the stone of pregnant woman) in 2014 by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Its weight is estimated at around 1650t, making it the largest stone ever carved by human hands. The photo of the Stone of the Pregnant woman is an an example of the measures, not the biggest monolith. (952)