- Kari kolehmainen Samaa tarkoittava suhdelaskenta

Pascal's Triangle Factor 11finnish_translation.jpg

Pascalin kolmion kerroin 11

In mathematics, Pascal's triangle row factor between the lines is 11, but in EPC calculation  the ratio is 1.1 and the following shows the value of the coefficient of 11.wikiped.jpg

Pascal's triangle

1 dim                      1                       = 1                            1 = 1

2 dim                   1     1        = 1 +1 = 2                    1.1 x 1 = 1.1

3 dim               1     2      1                                     1.1 x 1.1 = 1.21

4 dim           1     3      3     1            = 8               1.1 x 1.21 = 1.331

5 dim        1    4      6      4     1                             1.1 x 1.31 = 1.4641

The factor of the fourth dimensionality is 1.331




When the load grows twice bigger the total change grows 11 times bigger. The distance of the deflection grows eight times bigger when twice longer span. The same shows the row of the 4 dim.

That cannot see is the Universal Friction;  1.331 x 8 x 1.03(28) = 11epc_info.jpg

Time dilation table

The growth of the span has the character of one-dimensionality, with a factor of 1.25. Just as the spacecraft travels in the space 75,000 km/s and this resulting the time dilation "friction" coefficient 1.03(28). It can be noted from the table. With the progress of a three-dimensional world, the fourth dimensionality brings its own factor.

1.253 x 1.03 = 2wikiped.jpg

Time dilation of moving particles


Profile      L1000        σt          Ix           Wx          Iy          Wy                  Area

Nimike       cm      kN/cm2     cm4         cm3         cm4        cm3      kg/m    A cm2

HEB100      518       2.2        450         90         167       33.5       20.4      26

Table:       When span of 519 (518) cm => deflection 0.518 cm

Deflection of the Girder Weight;

The girder weight

     10.36 m x 20.4 kg/m =  2,08 kN


f = Deflection

f = 5 x F x L3 / 384 x E x  I

f = 3.279 cm

Deflection of the Concentrated Force;

F = 1 kN

f = F x L3 / 48 x I x E

f = 2.499 cm

Total Deflection;

3.279 cm + 3.251 cm = 5.800 cm

5.800 cm / 518 cm = 11.2

1 - 1.12 -1.25



(factor 1.12)

Calculation is not decimal placing


4.12 2014*9:09


E-mail:  karikolehmainen53@gmail.com

Kari Kolehmainen +358 44 200 3207

Strength calculation

Equivalent Proportional Calculation