Introduction to Visual GeometryJohdanto näkemisen geometriaanOne day we do have a wider view of point to calculate things. Even now it may desire to think; The red perimeter of the circle per the green diagonal line = 3.14 There is no need to know any lengths or diameters. All other same kind of figures have the ratio 3.14. Colours and figures are a visual way to understand them. Click on the image to read more of the circle Units are human made. By this way thinking, all circles can have their diameter of 1. One millimeter,inch, foott, mail, light year etc. of their diametters. Size of the circle, does not specify a unit to plural form. We calculate e.g. phenomena on products, so the interior area of circle includes in the value of the specific gravity of steel (0,785). A = pi x r2 A = 3.14 x 0.52 A = 0.785 We stop to this for a moment to find out, letters also having the information of phenomena. All phenomena have originally derived from the formula. E = m x c2 Energy (E) and the speed of light (c) are not recognized by the mass. This is the mean principle as we think of them. Letter Codes In three-dimensional world the first three letter codes of the formula E = m x c2 are known. Pressure can consists of material or from almost tangible media. The mass on the area forms the two-dimensional pressure between the area and materia on it. When an air-bottle, the mass is minimal, but the three-dimensional pressure can be high. L = length A = area V = volume P = pressure Phenomena 1. There is a phenomenon having the shape of a circle (d1) The circle is symmetric, so that its width is the same as its height. Interior area of circle; A = Pi x r x r (Pi = 3.14) A = 3,14 x 0,5 x 0,5 A = 0.785 2. There is a phenomenon having the shape of a square The square is symmetric, so that its width is the same as its height. A = 4 x 0,5 x 0,5 A = 1 It will be appreciated 3.14 / 4 = 0.785 (We calculate e.g. phenomena on products, so the interior area of circle includes in the value of the specific gravity of steel (0,785)) 3. There is a phenomenon having the shape of a ellipse 1.6 x 1 (r = 0,8 ; s = 0.5) A = pi x r x s A = 3.14 x 0.8 x 0.5 A = 1.25 We say to the phenomena to be mutually exclusive, because the phenomena are different. Is this the case, it will look for a while. You know, the mentioned three geometric shape, so they are not presented in detail. I think, you hardly know the geometric form of the phenomenon, so I'll tell them to behave, such as calculatings show the geometrical figures. The surface area is two-dimensional, in which case the two-dimensional (phenomenon) having double values, is four times the mean phenomenon. This is known, but also increases in the value of 0.785 is 4 x 0.785 = Pi (3.14). The main dimensions of the ellipse 1 and 1.6 (18) are the ratio of the all in nature. 1 + 0.618 = 1.618 1 / 1,618 = 0.618 28.11.2014*18:20 (880 - 881) |