- Kari kolehmainen Samaa tarkoittava suhdelaskenta




About 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras traveled widely and visited eg. to Egypt. At that time, there was no known physics such as calculating, but the proportionality was known. In the famous library of Alexandria was perhaps 200.000 volumes of books, which Pythagoras was allowed to visit. For this reason, he took the shape of a pentagon with a special symbol. Pattern is strongly associated with the golden ratio 1.618.

The Great Pyramid in Egypt contained the same ratio, as this ratio was found all over the people, animals, etc. No longer are we surprised to learn that, why he chose the pattern.





The book of nature is written in mathematical language. The characters are circles, triangles, and other geometrical figures, without which people can not understand a word of the book. Without them, he would wander about in a dark labyrinth. - Galileo Galilei

Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, a lutenist and music theorist, had performed experiments establishing perhaps the oldest known non-linear relation in physics: for a stretched string, the pitch varies as the square root of the tension. These observations lay within the framework of the Pythagorean tradition of music, well-known to instrument makers, which included the fact that subdividing a string by a whole number produces a harmonious scale. Thus, a limited amount of mathematics had long related music and physical science, and young Galileo could see his own father's observations expand on that tradition. Galileo was one of the first modern thinkers to clearly state that the laws of nature are mathematical. We will calculate the proportionality of a streched string.


In 1612, having determined the orbital periods of Jupiter's satellites, Galileo proposed that with sufficiently accurate knowledge of their orbits one could use their positions as a universal clock, and this would make possible the determination of longitude. He worked on this problem from time to time during the remainder of his life; but the practical problems were severe. The method was first successfully applied by Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1681.




From its discovery around 1602 by Galileo Galilei the regular motion of pendulums was used for timekeeping, and was the world's most accurate timekeeping technology until the 1930s. Pendulums are used to regulate pendulum clocks, and are used in scientific instruments such as accelerometers and seismometers. Historically they were used as gravimeters to measure the acceleration of gravity in geophysical surveys, and even as a standard of length. We will calculate the proportionality of this => Universal Friction coefficient 1.0328





Mathematics has identificated the Pascal's triangle row factor of 11, but in the real world this is 1.1. Blaise Pascal was a certain of the pattern to contain important, but he was not able to solve it.

1                                                        1                          1

1.1 x 1 = 1,1                                  1        1                    1 +1 = 2

1.1 x 1.1 = 1.21                        1       2       1                 1 + 2 + 1 = 4

1.1 x 1.21 = 1.331               1       3       3      1               1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 8

1.1 x 1.331 = 1.4641       1      4       6      4      1            1 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 16


0-d                1                           One point

1-d                1.     1                           Line

2-d                1.      2      1                          Area

3-d                1.      3       3      1                       Volume

4-d                1.      4       6       4      1                      Aika  -  Time

Suhteellisuus  -  Proportionality


One point ., which you cannot see nothing, because the second point does not exist, as we all understand.


Line consists of points -----. Distance or length of a feature. Change of the girder length causes a change in the deflection. A factor of 1.1 (2) plays an important role in understanding the deflection. Both images show the same meaning.









Hand-contact length                                                                   Not by hand touchable length Length and stress (deflection)                                                              Lenght and fatiquing (time)


Flat shape, which is seen back and forth in different directions

Energy  -  Time dilation



The higher the moving speed, the less time is spent in relation to the other, which moves on a lower rate.

E  =  m  c2

c2 =  the cover of light  = area

2-d                1,      2      1                          Pinta-ala  -  Area

1.21 x 1.0328 = 1.25

If we stand still, the speed of light over us is 300 000 km /sec.

If we move at a speed 0.25 times the speed of light. The speed of light is still over us 300.000 km/ sec.

1 + 0.25 = 1.25


Energy = Mass x the coverage of the speed of light

Speed ​​in itself contains the time unitviisikulmiot.jpg

We come back to the pentagon.


2 x 3.14 rad = 6.28 rad
    6,28 rad / 5 = 1,256 rad 

                                1.0  -  1.12  -  1.25  -  1.6  -  2.0  -  2.5 ...

                                                1.122 = 1.25(6)

Mathematic with figure symbols


The gravitational field of 9.82 m/s2 and the Universal Friction 1.033

Visual Geometry


12.8.2013*11:21 (635 - 43951)