Young's Modulus of Elasticity - TableKimmokertoimet - taulukkoElastic coefficientsElastic modulus, modulus of linear deformation, coefficient of elasticity, modulus of elasticity Young's modulus of elasticity E describes the amount of deflection under load. The modulus of elasticity is placed as a divisor in the deflection formula => the higher the value of the modulus of elasticity, the less the material bends. kN/cm2 N/mm2 GPa Aluminium 7000 70 000 70 Concrete 1 000 - 4 000 10 000 -40 000 10 - 40 Duralumin 7 400 74 000 74 Silver 8000 80 000 80 Invar 14 600 146 000 146 Iridium 15 600 156 000 156 Ice - 4o C 1 000 10 000 10 Cadmium 5 100 51 000 51 Copper 12 000 120 000 120 Glass 7 200 72 000 72 Natural rubber (caoutchouc) 5 50 0,05 Brass and Bronze 10 300 - 12 400 103 00 - 124 00 100 Nylon 200 - 400 2 000 - 4 000 2 - 4 Steel 21 000 210 000 211 Titanium 10 500 - 12 000 105 000 - 120 000 105 - 120 Diamond 105 000 - 120 000 1 050 000 - 1 200 000 1050 - 1200 Oak along the grains 1 100 11 000 11 Tungsten 40 000 400 000 400 Tungsten carbide 45 000 - 65 000 450 000 - 650 000 450 - 650 1 Pa = N / m2 Kotisivu 26.5.2015*09:30 (1125 - 1124) |