- Kari kolehmainen Samaa tarkoittava suhdelaskenta



The cube is the only regular hexahedron and is one of the five Platonic solids and has 12 edges , 8 vertices and 6 faces.


d = edge length

Volume                         V = d3

Surface Area                A = 6 d2

Space Diagonal            SQR (3d)

A cube has the largest volume among cuboids (rectangular boxes) with a given surface area.

Space Diagonal in the Strength Calculation

In strength calculation the normal stress having the nominal value of 1 (edge length of the cube) ==> the shear sress of the same power has the value of 1.7 according to formulas. The strength calculation ables know the before said.


SQR = neliöjuuri

NJR (3) = 1,7

The figure above maintaining one decimal made ​​the same. Both values (1.118 and 0.618) are of two different hypotenuses, such as cutting and bending are from different points in bended beam. The shear stress effect difference between the forces is 1.70 times the nominal value of 1.

1.1(18) + 0.6(18) = 1.7

Therefore, firewood cutting is done with an ax, not trying to pull the wood to pieces.


22.9.2025*18:40 (8765 - 218)