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Plato - the Cave Metaphor Todayfinnish_translation.jpg

Platonin luolavertaus tänään

The reality of the shadows is associated  to Visual Geometry. The light joins to shadows which form the dark area onto the illuminated materia. All shadows are not this, for example, deflection and fatigue are shadows of the events, and calcutable. This means the calculation determining the cases through the shadows. This is simple, requiring only the ability to receive data from another point of view. In the end, the EP-calculation leads to the same, or it is not known to end up in some other way. In some cases, the minutes calculation on the paper has required years experience of the calculated things. Some of the things you will not ever be able to calculate the other way.

shadow_1.jpgAccording to Plato's example we are prisoners linked to the formula chains and the science in the name of the world explains the formulas. In this faith, we ask the equation to calculate. Our heads are tied to formula chains, which also are shadows of the events. The accuracy of the formula is like a campfire light of the Plato's cave example. Without a clear light of the fire, there is not exact image of the shadow, the description of the phenomenon. What about when there is no formula?

The EP-calculation has no formula chained prisoners. We'll look at the light and shade, choosing the best way to calculate with or without the formula. The formulas are good, but based on them can not only stay. In order to be able to calculate the engineering and physics- related tasks, must be aware of the gravity field acceleration, but gravity is less well known.

Gravitation the Shadow Generator

The value of acceleration of gravity, does not give the knowledge of the subject. We use, for example, a coefficient of 9,81 m/s2, without knowing why. I guess that 99.99 % of people are unable to determine the gravitational constant, Y = 6,67 x 10-11 Newton meter2/kilogram2 formation. Thus, the calculation is not based on personal reasons for knowing way. We calculate the gravity in many ways to a known. Without gravity, there is no need for calculation. There is nothing to bend, stop motion or hold together. This finding out, gravity holds it all together, stops the movement, bends and tires, but can be calculated.

EP-calculatin may calculate known even earlier amazing things to calculate. The concept of the shadows brings out things which in the bright light have been covered invisible.  A similar event has the black and white photograph, when the dark section has no details. Photo developing, it is possible to shed light on dark spots more and thus get the details out. To dark underexposed negatives, this is possible. Overexposed negative for almost white, so it is like looking at things through the bread bag. I know this because I had equipment for black-and-white photos manufacturing. The idea of ​​formulas as the only way to understand nature, is the dead idea and has lead to narrow view taken.

Other calculating procedures are not consistent description. Because of this, the visit can start from chosen point, this without messing up the whole picture. The building construction is one of the calculation themes. When you open the pages, they are changed. Thus,  they are more accurate, but never finished. Shadows will open up a new world.


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