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Square in the Circle as Phi Geometryenglish_translation.jpg

Neliö ympyrässä näkemisen geometriana

Please, place a single unit square inside the circle. The circle is related to the Golden Section 1.618 and in relation to the length of the square side.

1 / 1,618 = 0,618





The figure is associated with the material impacting forces. Pieces influence the normal stress or the same amount of sharing stress. Sharing stress is 1 + 0.618 = 1.618 times more dangerous. Material is more resistant to normal stress than to sharing stress. This says is, cut a knot on top of a knee, but do not try to pull the knot. The above is familiar to all strength understanding readers. We usually determine the coefficient of the square root of three = 1.73, ie the safe side and for the easy way.


1.12.2011*11:48 (43938 - 580))