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finnish_translation.jpgFormation of the Proportionality Principle

Suhteellisuusperiaatteen muodostuminen



A pentagon has five edges that form a pattern. A full angle is three hundred and sixty degrees, or in other words 2 pi radians. Nature uses radians.

1.0  - 1.03  -  1.06  - 1.12  - 1.25

6.28 rad / 5  = 1.25(7)

1.122 = 1.25(4)


The speed of light determines the proportionality, so we are on a scale of 0 ...1, this means that 1.25 is 0.25. The table shows that at the speed of light 0.25 x v the time dilation coefficient is 1.03(3).


The figure shows the static fatigue coefficient using a circle and a pentagon, when the diameter of the circle is the earth's gravity.



Me elämme kolmeulotteisessa maailmassa aika ympärillämme. Jonkin ollessa kaksi kertaa edellistä suurempi, aikadilaatiotaulukko esittää arvon kasvamisen painovoimakentässä 9,82  m/s2.

We live in a three-dimensional world all around us. When something is twice the previous, the time dilation table shows the value growth. This is just when gravitation 9,82  m/s2.

Length   -  Width  -   Height   -   Time

1.25  x  1.25  x  1.25  x 1.033  = 2


We can discuss phenomena, count them, make tables and see phenomena as patterns.




 0,3633 + 0,6181 = 0,9814

The universal friction coefficient 1.03(4) occurs in a number of examples and patterns. We derive this from the formula E = m c2. We are in the gravitational field of the universe and the friction it causes, which is determined computationally.


( 0.3633 + 0.6181 ) x 1.03 = 1.0



17.5.2013*11:50 (43882 - 192)

Eng 9.10.22