Prehistoric Mathematics and a Little History
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Prehistory temperatures as the geometry of a quarter circle of a circle.
The four elements of antiquity are depicted according to the prehistoric geometry of the quarter circle. This was presented in a way that everyone could understand.
Placement of the living in the surrounding world in the ancient way.
20,000 Years Ago or More
In the 2020s, a prehistoric pyramid buried in Gunung Padang, West Java, Indonesia has been discovered. The oldest structure in the area has been a mound of lava that was carved into shape and then architecturally encased during the last ice age between 25,000 and 14,000 BC. We can be sure that the pyramids have existed for a long time beyond our understanding.
Thousands of screw-like objects have been found in the mines of the Urals. These are hundredths of a millimeter in size. As a precision that required extremely advanced technology. On land, these were at most 10 meters deep. They are believed to be at least 20,000 years old.
Val Camonica Italy in 8000 BC
Val Camonica, also known as Camonica Valley, is one of the largest valleys in the central Alps, located in eastern Lombardy, Italy. It stretches about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from the Tonale Pass to Lake Iseo. The valley is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and significant archaeological sites, including ancient rock engravings that are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Over 140,000 figures and symbols have been cataloged, with estimates suggesting the total number could be between 200,000 and 300,000. Most of the engravings were made using a technique called "martellina," which involves chipping away at the rock surface with a small hammer. Above is a cave painting from around 8000 BC in Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in hazmat suits holding strange instruments. Don't these look out of place for their time? The spherical helmets emit beams of light.
8,000 Years Ago or more
The most precisely aligned construction is the Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) at Giza. Also known as the Great Pyramid, whose sides deviate from true north by an average of less than 3 minutes of arc. One degree is 60 minutes. How do we think the Egyptian culture aligned this structure so precisely? The next structure was built with almost the same precision 8,000 years later. We can assume that mathematics had a role in this.
8,000 Years Ago
Someone collected small stones and placed them on the ground to see them. One stone didn't give an information of another stone. These were just a bunch of rocks with no real meaning. They were nice to hold in hand, though.
To be able to carry stones, they had to be small. Now it was nice to put these on the ground, in the taught triangle shape. The stones had an order and each row defined the next row. This was a pattern thousands of years old that was taught to the young for entertainment and learning.
At first, all the stones were the same color. When choosing stones of different colors, their location was known in advance if the number of stones to be placed on the ground formed a pyramid pattern. It did not matter what color the stones were.
The children learned the colors of the stones and their order in the pattern. In the village community, one stone as a person was the highest decision-maker, as they discovered through experience. Nothing is higher than the top stone.
No one knows in what order things happened, but let's assume. The stones on the ground formed a pattern with designated places for the stones. The question arose about the number of stones collected. In this context, someone who knows numbers came up with the first five numbers. The hand helped to practice the numbers.
The pyramid pattern was easy up to the fifth row. Since the numbers had been taught, the pyramid had the same numbers. The stones represented intangible numbers on the one hand and tangible things, such as four hunting animals on the other. Everything was easy up to this point.
The first five rows were easy to lay stones on the ground. These required 15 stones. The sixth row alone required 16 stones. Carrying so many stones was impossible. The limit of proportionality had been reached, which could be determined physically. A total of 31 stones, which many could not count.
The pattern of six rows of stones showed the limit of proportionality, how the number of stones increased so much that it was impossible to carry them. At the same time, when drawing a figure around the stones, it was discovered that there are two identical different figures. In our time, we can also say mirror images. Eight fingers and two thumbs defined the ancient decimal system. Otherwise, we cannot interpret the pattern.
Our world can be described in many ways as a mirror image, for example as hands. When we look at ourselves in a mirror, we look at the right side of the mirror towards you and see the left side of ourselves. This means that we look at the mirror transversely and this is the idea of Pascal's triangle in phenomena.
We ourselves are real, but the mirror image is a reflection of ourselves. Through the immaterial we see a recognizable being. The line of Pascal's triangle can be read either from the left or the right.
The form of an obelisk can be traced back to ancient Egypt. It is a tall, thin stone pillar, square or rectangular at the base and slightly tapered, topped with a small pyramid. The ancient Egyptians carved these monoliths from a single piece of rock and usually covered them with sculpture. Obelisks symbolized the sun god Ra, and were most often erected in pairs at the entrance to a temple.
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
Due to the large number of stones, the numbers 1-10 with their markings had been learned. Now there was no need to carry stones. If necessary, stones were found where they were needed. Here we don't go beyond the numbers. The numbers 7,8 and 9 were missing from the pattern. It was difficult to understand why this was the case.
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