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Fourth Dimensionality of Bendingfinnish_translation.jpg

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The bended girder has three dimensions that can be touched by hand (width - height - length) and one that cannot be touched by hand (time).


The dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify each point included in.

Let us take an example of the fourth dimensionality. A wooden girder has a nominal load on it. After one year we can see what has happened. The wooden girder has a deflection of the load, but the same happens of its own weight. The first three dimensionality are known, but time bends the wooden girder. Steel does not bend under its own weight, when the stress level is at an acceptable level. Deflection is the shadow of the Fourth Dimension. We can see it, but normally it cannot calculate

In practice, the fourth dimensionality is not necessary to take into account when steel components. Fatiguing has the context to the number of repetitions, but not to the time.


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