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Ratio Between Kilometer and Milefinnish_translation.jpg

Kilometrin ja mailin suhde

One kilometer is 1,000 meters, but mile is more unknown in Europe. Inch = 2.54 cm => foot 12 inches = 30.48 cm => mile = 5280 feet = 1609 m. In the calculation kilometer and mileage are calculated on each other. Pascal's triangle defines at the fifth row, the mile length of 1610 m. The inch dimensional, and SI system world can in principle calculate between using their own dimensions.


                         1                                                  1 000 m          (kilometer)

                   1         1                        1,1 x 1,0     = 1 100 m

               1        2        1                   1,1 x 1,1     = 1 210 m

          1        3       3       1                1,1 x 1,21   = 1 331 m

      1       4        6       4      1            1,1 x 1,331 = 1 464 m

  1     6        1        1       6      1        1,1 x 1,464 = 1 610 m          (mile)

Difference of the Pascal's triangle-assigned mile length is 2 m / 1 611 m x 100= 0.12 %. The trip as a length is one-dimensional way forward that fatigues through the Gravity. In the end, everything has the same meaning, and in many cases to be compared with each other. The first row of Pascal's triangle is the physical world index of zero dimension. Fifth, the lowest row is a factor in terms of proportionality. The golden ratio 1.618 is related to everything in nature and the large number of art and structures. Strength in machine building, physics and physiology will get their share of these reviews.


17.3.2015*10:15 (976 - 584)