- Kari kolehmainen Samaa tarkoittava suhdelaskenta

Hajar al-Hublafinnish_translation.jpg

Raskaana olevan naisen kivi

Stone of the Pregnant Woman


The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block are:

  • Width at base     4 m
  • Width at top        4.14–5.29 m
  • Height                 4.21–4.32 m
  • Length               20.31 – 20.76 m
  • Density                2.6–2.8 g/cm³

The monolith is named after a pregnant woman who, as local legend has it. A monolith is a geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock, such as some mountains, or a single piece of rock placed as, or within, a monument. The Roman stone block still lies in the ancient quarry at a distance of 900 m from the Heliopolis temple complex. According to their calculations, the block weighs 1,000.12 t.


The Largest Cut Stone

A second ancient monolith was discovered in the same quarry in the 1990s. With its weight estimated at 1,242 t, it even surpasses the dimension of the well-known Stone of the Pregnant Woman. The established dimensions of the rectangular limestone block:
             Pituus              19.5–20.5 m          Length
             Leveys             4.34–4.56 m          Width
             Korkeus           4.5 m                      Height
             Tiheys               2.6–2.8 g/cm³       Density

The biggest wonder causes, how the other stones have been able to carry one kilometer to the temple area and to raise there, 11 meters in height. Today, we have no lifting device under these conditions to lift these stones. What about the working methods at the time and how we would today do it by hands.


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