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Runnig a Race on the Trackfinnish_translation.jpg

Kilpaa juokseminen juoksuradalla

Running a race has been common through the ages. From ancient time the winner's relative position at the finish has defined the position. Before being wins the behind coming. Comparable time taking there has been only few tens of year. Before the Proportional Equivalent Calculation there is no determination by calculating the time.

Sitting in the stadium grandstand finds the running lanes.


100 and 200 m running races occur in a straight lane portion, but 400 m run takes place on the oval-shaped track. You think this is natural, because you would not see the 400 meters running, if it would run on a straight track. You have a lot of understanding of the formation of natural phenomena. At first the phenomena calculation seem to proceed in a straight line, such as running lanes in the photo, but will get the shape of the curve, such as running tracks. Running event as a calculation may be connected with the other phenomena. Fibonacci sequence of numbers tells the short sprints, first by reading the shortest distance of 100 m to one unit of length.
1  -  1  -  2  - 
100 m  +  100 m  +  200 m


9.12.2014*11:40 (907 - 612)