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The Shadow of the Loadfinnish_translation.jpg

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When you see the steel beam at an angle relative to the light, you cannot determine the deflection of the shadow. The shadow as a special case like in the photo is a straight line. In the EP-calculating deflection is a shadow caused by the load.




The stress of the beam is caused by the active load, which may be the beam weight or a combination of inside weight plus outside loads and forces. The deflection is proportional to the impressive load and has the same meaning to impressive tension. The Stress is determined by measuring the sag (deflection) or by the formulas. The load determines tension and vice versa tension determines deflection.

The beam deflection is visible and it is measurable. The value of the tension and its placement in the beam can not see by visual inspection. EP-calculation uses as a review tool the intangible light, which concretizes the visible shadow. The speed of light includes in to time dilation and is one of the tools used to calculation. Without this assist the calculation would not be possible. A similar kind of shadow can be seen in connection with other things, like a shadow caused by the beam. We see a similar shadows in all phenomena, without payed attention to them.


The strength calculation is sufficient in many cases, from the data of the shadows


22.9.2015*19:50 (9059 - 455)