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Product Comparison by Calculatingfinnish_translation.jpg

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An interesting application of the calculation is the product comparison by calculating. Comparing means comparing between own products or to competitor's products. We compare well-known products and for which the information is verified. In addition, we compare the products that few people know the process of comparing. We can compare the products, which are not made or for one reason or another do. This means, the product does not necessarily need to be produced in order to identify its characteristics.


 Shadows open the product values

We may well start calculation with the Golden Section Ratio and in connection with Homo Sapiens as a "product'. Physical design as a standardized man, is in connection with the Golden Section Ratio, and allows for mass-produced goods. We have expertise in product design, but what about the performance characteristics between individuals? Is it possible compare the performance of people. That is for the calculation to find it out.

We understand the car's performance, acceleration, maximum speed, engine power, etc. The value represents the extreme limit of the product characteristics, which we normallly rarely need. 1-dimensional competitive sports, based on the progression, tries to find the extreme value of the performance. On the other hand the 3-dimensional products, are not valued to be the products of a 500 kg load, but by the sports term having breaking load of 2000 kg. This would lead to a dangerous situation, without realizing the fatigue of the products.

For example we compare products on the Fibonacci Sequence 1 - 1 - 2 basis. We take two 1 - and 3-dimensional products; human performance and an auxiliary lifting equipment as a lifting beam. Have these any possibility of comparing? Yes, although this is not recognized. Through the mathematics the Golden Section Ratio does not open. Through the proportionality we understand why this has happened.


8.1.2015*14:33 (871 - 862)