HEB100 Cross-Section 100 cm => 518 cmHEB100 poikkileikkaus 100 =>518 cm Bending in the span 100 - 518 cm, with a span factor of 1.125. L = 100 cm F = 1 kNDeflection of the girder weight and of the concentrated forcef = deflection f = deflection f = 5 x F x L3 / 384 x E x I f = F x L3 / 48 x I x E f = 0.00028 cm f = 0.00225 cm E= 20600 kN/cm2 Ix = 450 cm4 Total deflection
0.0025 cm (1)
Profile L1000 σt Ix Wx Iy Wy A
Item cm kN/cm2 cm4 cm3 cm4 cm3 kg/m cm2
HEB100 518 2.2 450 90 167 33.5 20.4 26
518 cm /1000 = 0.518 cm (from the table)
Span Factor 1.25 Deflection 100 cm 0.0025 125 cm 100 x 1.251 0.0051 21 x 0.0025 x 1.03 (0.0515) 156 cm 100 x 1.252 0.0103 22 x 0,0025 x 1.03 (0.0103) 195 cm 100 x 1.253 0.0208 23 x 0.0025 x 1.032 (0.0212) 244 cm 100 x 1.254 0.0427 24 x 0.0025 x 1.033 (0.0437) 305 cm 100 x 1.255 0.0883 25 x 0.0025 x 1.034 (0.090) 381 cm 100 x 1.256 0.1843 26 x 0.0025 x 1.035 (0.1855) 477 cm 100 x 1.257 0.3891 27 x 0,0025 x 1.036 (0.3821) (2 - 3) 518 cm 477 x 1.09 0,5167 0,3821 x 1.331 (0,5086) (477 cm x 1.09 = 520 cm) 518 cm: 0.0025 x 27 x 1.03286 x 1.331 = 0.523 cm (Deflection) (1) (2) (3) (4) _____________________________________________________________ 1.03 => 1.1(2) 1.03(28)3 = 1.12 1.06 => 1.21 1.03(28)6 = 1.21 1.09 => 1.331 1.03(28)9 = 1.331 (4) 1.12 => 1.4641 1.03(28)12 = 1.4729 0.25 = 1.25 => 1.0328 = 0.328 15.11.2012*12:00* (756 - |