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Gravity Acceleration Geometryfinnish_translation.jpg

Painovoimakiihtyvyys geometria

The visual geometry calculates phenomena in a way where the values are ​​recognized by physics. They are intertwined into shapes and areas into calculations. Gravity has not previously been treated in the way it is treated in the visual geometry.


Circle's surface area 0.785 units

In the image there are two steel rods of cross-sections a square and circle. Cross-sections of the bars have proportion to gravity acceleration and time dilation. Nominal rod dimensions are 1 to both rods, without significance of the units. By calculating the circular surface areathe square surface area is known and vice versa. Time dilation of the speed of light 0.25 c, corresponds to the coefficient of friction in the material world.

 =>                     A = 0.785 x 1.25 = 0.981 (gravity acceleration 9.81 m/s2)

                          A = 0.785 x 1.25 x 1.0328= 1.0 (square area)

The visual geometry takes into account the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2) and the time dilation coefficient of 1.0328 in relation to the speed of light of 0.25 c. The calculation has the same meaning for surface area and gravitational acceleration. The visual geometry is an approach to things and phenomena as patterns and areas. This can proceed in proportion to the determination of strength, but equally well to the evaluation of human performance.


7.11.2015*09:40 (1085 - 30)