EP-Calculation - Observation IIISuhdelaskenta - havainto IIIConcept of the Products
1. On the basis of a known, the weight of the other similars are known
2. On the basis of a well-known, the price of the other corresponding action is known- Conditional statement
3. A known capacity, determines the other similar capacities
4. On the basis of a known time, other times of the corresponding activity periods are known5. On the basis of a known conceptual value, other similar cases are knownThe observation III includes five description to determine the unknown. Many people think that the observations are contradictory, but are they on it?. We will go through a large number of inspections, based on the observations. The reviews cover the whole at a time when the individual analysis of the number becomes large. EP-Calculation is an unique benchmarking tool. If you do not know the benchmarking process, I will tell about it on my pages. 6.5.2015*07:10 (1022 - 19) |