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Pascal's Triangle and Elinination Heatsfinnish_translation.jpg

Pascalin kolmio ja karsintakilpailut

Pascal's triangle is used to determine the World Record times of running distances because Pythagoras mentions harmony between things and values. As an example of Pascal's triangle crossing the qualifying line in the USA for the Osaka competitions in Japan 2008.


When steel beam, the formula of the deflection has the span length L3. When the span increases by a factor of 1.25, the deflection doubles. Not exactly double, but taking into account the increased weight of the beam, we are in a factor of two. In Atheletic running, the opposite phenomenon occurs with respect to the bending of the steel beam. When the length of the distance increases by 2 times, 25% more athletes reach the qualifying limit. The 100 m run is probably the most demanding and the number of runners under the time limit is the smallest.


In the 100 meter distance, 20 runners broke the qualifying mark of 10.20 seconds.

In the 200 m distance, 25 runners crossed the qualifying line, i.e. 20 x 1.25 = 25

In the 400 m distance, 32 runners crossed the qualifying line, i.e. 25 x 1.25 = 32

Thus we find the same universal laws prevailing between the immaterial and the material.



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