- Kari kolehmainen Samaa tarkoittava suhdelaskenta

Shot Put in Finlandfinnish_translation.jpg

Kuulantyöntö Suomessa

Shot put is to push the heavy steel ball as far as possible. The key tool for sports does not play a large part. By look at the world records, we get a picture of how human physiology is evolving and how fast. Sometimes the impression is that, in today's training results are them, which at best were achieved decades ago. At the moment, the current world record is from the year 1990. The men record is 24 and women 27 years old.

Randy Barnes  23,12 m 20.05 1990   Westwood, CA

Natalja Lisovskaja 22,63 m 7.6 1987 Moskova


Shot put is to push the heavy steel ball as far as possible. The key tool for sports does not play a large part. By look at the world records, we get a picture of how human physiology is evolving and how fast. Sometimes the impression is that, in today's training results are them, which at best was achieved decades ago.
At the moment, the current world record is from the year 1990. Now the men record is 24 and women 27 years old.

Records in Finland

Reijo Ståhlberg 21,69 5.5 1979

Asta Ovaska 18,57 20.8 1989

Finland men's record has worn for 35 years. Mika Halvari pushed to 22.09 m in 2000, which was not accepted due to the indoor hall. In conclusion, shot put record does not break easily. Men's shot put level in Finland in 2014, is the WR level in the 60's. We come to the same meaning, and the results are comparable with each other for decades. (644)

11.1 2015*07:40 (982 -644)


E-mail:  karikolehmainen53@gmail.com

Kari Kolehmainen +358 44 200 3207

Equivalent Proportional Calculation
